Friday, February 20, 2009

Five Brave Maids

Bitter Biting Bittern

A bitter biting bittern
Bit a better brother
bittern, and the better
bittern bit the bitter
biter back.
And the bittern, bitten
by thebetter biting
bittern, said: 'I'm
a bittern bitter biting
bittern, bitten better

Bill and the Billboard

Bill had a billboard.

Bill also had a board bill

The board bill bored Bill,

So Bill sold his billboard

And paid his board bill.

Then the board bill

No longer bored Bill.

But thourh Bill had no

Board bill,

Neither did Bill have his


Betty Botter's Butter and Batter

Betty Botter bought some


But she said,

"This butter is bitter.

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter


But a bit of better butter

Will make my bitter butter


so, Betty Botter bought a

bit of butter

Better than her bitter


So, Betty Botter bought a

bit of butter

Better than her bitter


And she mixed it with her

bitter butter

And put it in her batter.

That's how Betty Botter

got a better batter

Out of her bit of bitter
